SIP-adus's Project(FY2016)
Dynamic Map
Surveys and Investigationsfor Prototyping and Evaluation Toward Construction of a Dynamic Map
Surveying and investigation toward development of a common platform for dynamic maps
Construction of thetraffic regulation information management system for realization automated drive
Investigation into the International Standardization of Dynamic Map and Overseas Trends
Study and consideration to construct the "Dynamic Map Service Platform"
Connected Vehicle
Creation of an internationally open research and development environment
Development of V2V,V2I Communication Technology Toward the Automated Driving Systems
Task II Development of Vehicle-to-pedestrian Communicatio+F1n Technology
Development of Infrastructure Radar System Technology
Human Factors
Human Factors and HMI Research for Automated Driving
Impact Assessment
Development of an impact assessment method for Automated Driving System on CO2emissions
Next generation Transport
Research on the speediness and the safety of the Advanced Rapid Transit
Surveyand Investigation of Reducing Boarding Times in Public Transport
Development of the next-generation public transportationsystem
Development of movement support systemfor people with mobility constraints
Development functions required for ART information center
Development and evaluation of construction technology for driving pictures database
Field Operational Tests toward Achieving Level 3/4 and Investigation toward Commercialization